The principle and transfer function of the phase modulator, intensity modulator, and IQ modulator
May 17,2021 | News    Browsing volume:1170
1. Preface
       Phase modulator, intensity modulator and IQ modulator are commonly used external modulators in optical communication system. Their main function is to load modulation signals of various modulation formats onto the light wave.
2. Phase modulator
      The basic structure of phase modulator (PM) is shown in the figure below. The effective refractive index of PM varies linearly with the applied voltage.

The transfer function of the phase modulator is as follows:

3. Intensity modulator
The intensity modulator is also called Mach Zehnder modulator (MZM), and its basic structure is shown in the figure below

The transfer function is as follows:

4. IQ modulator

The IQ modulator can be seen as the combination of phase modulator and intensity modulator, widely used in QAM and other high-order modulation formats. The basic structure is shown in the following figure:

The transfer function is as follows: