Typical optical path of reflective amplitude type spatial light modulator (f-slm)
January 18,2021 | News    Browsing volume:830

Typical light path 1:

intensity modulator

BS is a nonpolarized beam splitter; polarizer angle can be horizontal or vertical; polarizer angle is orthogonal to polarizer . If the laser is linearly polarized, a half wave plate can be used to replace the polarizer.

Typical light path 2:

phase modulator

PBS polarizing prism is used to replace the polarizer, s light is vertically polarized into the modulator, and P light is horizontally polarized out.

Typical light path 3:


BS is a nonpolarized beam splitter; polarizer angle can be horizontal or vertical; polarizer angle is orthogonal to polarizer.

Typical light path 4:

The incident angle is as small as possible (generally less than 5 °), the angle of the polarizer is horizontal or vertical, and the angle of the polarizer is orthogonal to the polarizer.
Similarly, if the laser emits linearly polarized light, a half wave plate can be used instead of the polarizer.